For such a time as this, let's be the Church, C3!
As I recently promised, I am going to get back to blogging far more regularly. I will start with some encouragement for this time as we may be physically isolated but need to remain or even step up our efforts to remain in relationship and community.
You know that one of my favorite verses is Acts 2:42 - They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.
Prior to recent events, I would have said busyness was one of our biggest challenges. For many of us now, that is not a problem. So, what can we do? How can we use this time to get back to the basics of life and love? The greatest commandments are to love God and love others. Maybe this time gives us the chance to truly lean into our purpose, and to live a life that is worthy of our calling to give glory to God through the church.
Below is a simple outline I have prepared to help us reconnect with God and stay connected with each other. You may have other ideas, and I would love to hear them. However, let us not succumb to fear or loneliness, but all the more, encourage one another and reach out in love. Our church is first and foremost a family, not a place nor an event. Let us be your family in this time and may God bless, keep and protect you!
~ Pastor Ben
For such a time as this, let’s be the Church!
Love Christ
Read your Bible – I am sure you have a few!
Daily Devotionals
Currently I am doing Moravian “daily texts”. Visit if you wish to join me in this journey through God’s word.
Daily Prayer
A set time is a good idea. Pray for our church, state, nation and world.
Try morning, noon and evening prayers (Daily Office).
Worship Music
Many options are available. For worship music, check out Air1 @ 104.9 FM.
Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music let you create your own playlists.
As you do, you will be encouraged and grow in faith
Love our Church
Join our Weekly Online Services
FaceBook Live services at 11 am Sundays till further notice. Tune in!
Also, catch up on missed sermons on our website (audio & video).
Stay Connected
Read Benno’s Blog on C3’s website (I will do this more frequently).
If a person comes to mind, call, text, email or visit them if safe.
Login/Register on C3’s website for our directory (“my_login”).
Join C3’s new virtual prayer meetings (call in or video using ZOOM)
Contact to join (your email is needed).
Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm
Thursday morning at 7:00 am
Use the Prayer Chain
Submit your requests on our website, bottom right.
Join the prayer team (email Tina @
Support the Ministry and Mission
Please support C3’s ongoing mission and ministry through:
Mail checks to C3 @ 435 Standish St, Anchorage, AK 99504.
Online giving by following the “Donate” button.
As you do, you will help protect and build up the body of Christ at C3
Love our Community
Keep your eyes, ears and hearts open
Meet Needs
C3’s web page has “I Need Help” and “I Can Help” buttons for your use
Check on neighbors, friends & family
Calm Fears & Speak Hope
Share your story, and why you trust in God during this time
As you do, you will be His witnesses to a lost world that needs Jesus